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Careers Post-18 Options

University, Apprenticeships, Gap Years or starting a business, there are many choices available to students Post-18, however with so many choices there is sometimes confusion. At Brakenhale we provide all students with the information, advice and guidance to help them navigate this next stage. We use the excellent Unifrog platform and Pathway CTM Pre-Employment programme to cater for the needs of all students, regardless of their intended destination.

Please click the links below to find out more information.



University of Reading

Buckinghamshire New University

University of Herfordshire

Oxford Brookes University

University of Oxford

Russell Group - Representing 24 leading UK universities


Websites to Support your Post-18 Options


A whole new way to find Apprenticeships, Degree Apprenticeships, Work Experience and Graduate opportunities to get ahead.


Helps you to plan your future study and work.


The leading careers matching service to schools and individuals.

National Careers Service

Providing careers information, advice and guidance.


Connecting people to universities.


Explore the world of work. Make your study choices. Write your CV and prepare for interview.