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Careers Information for Parents/Carers

Brakenhale School encourages parents/carers to be involved in their child’s career choices. Listed below are a couple of websites to help support.

Please also feel free to contact Mrs. Allum via email or through the main school telephone number 01344 423041.

The Bright Network

Bright Network is a free careers platform connecting students and recent graduates with the opportunities and advice to make the best career choices, and progress as the workforce of tomorrow. They work with 360,000+ members and 300+ world-leading employers.

Career Mag

Careermag and Careermag for Parents aim to connect students and their parents to high-quality advice and career guidance. The magazine looks at industry sectors in depth, giving students a clear view of all the Post-16 options available. Subscribe and download Careermag here: 

Please also refer to our Post-16 and Post-18 sections for further information to support your child.