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Duke of Edinburgh

Brakenhale is a proud provider of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Over the years we have successfully supported students to gain their Bronze and Silver Award.

Our aim at Brakenhale is to use the Award as a way to help students gain new skills, build confidence, make friends and have fun in the process. We also use it to promote leadership, team work, resilience and problem solving skills that future employers find highly desirable.

Students can sign up to the scheme in Year 9 and upwards. For Bronze and Silver they will be required to complete 4 sections: Physical, Skill, Volunteering and Expedition. The first 3 sections are the students’ responsibility to organise and keep their file up to date on the Duke of Edinburgh website. The school will help organise the expedition. This will require two weekends for both Bronze and Silver, one for the practice expedition and one for the assessment weekend. Training for the expedition will be facilitated. This will include map and compass work, planning route cards, first aid, how to setup your camp and cooking. How and what to pack, as well as other useful information will be provided to the students. We also have a limited amount of expedition gear that students can borrow, which includes tents, rucksacks, waterproofs, sleeping bags, etc.

The cost of completing the Duke of Edinburgh Award varies from year to year. The cost will be confirmed when a new cohort applies. We are also in the process of opening up the Gold award for students in Post 16.

Students and Parents can find out more information about the awards offered in the booklet below.

You can also visit the Duke of Edingburgh website: 

For more information regarding the Duke of Edinburgh Award in school please contact Mr Bury, our CCF School Staff Instructor, who oversees the scheme.

Duke of Edinburgh Lead: Mr A Bury