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Special Educational Needs and Disability

SENCo: Mr E du Toit
Telephone: 01344 423041


Brakenhale School values the abilities and achievements of all students. It is committed to providing an inclusive curriculum and ensuring the best possible progress for all students whatever their needs or difficulties by way of targeted individual support.

All teachers have a responsibility for students with special educational needs and disability (SEND).  Special educational needs include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Physical difficulty
  • Behavioural, emotional and social difficulty
  • Sensory impairment
  • Specific learning difficulty

If you have any questions regarding the support your child could access at Brakenhale please contact the school via the email address at the top of this page, thank you.


The GLT SEND Policy, which applies across all schools in GLT, can be found here:


Brakenhale School's SEND Information Report can be found here:



SEN Assessment Procedures for Identification of Need

Purpose of an Effective SEN / D System How the Purposes are Achieved in Our School
Identification – ensuring that childrens’ needs are identified. Head of Year 7, Family Support Worker and Learning Mentors visit feeder primary schools and build up profiles of key students (May – July).
SENCo attends Year 6 Annual Reviews to initiate relationship with parents and develop better knowledge of student.
On Transition Project (June – ASD/Anxiety/Low Ability) Year 6 information about students is built up about behaviour and emotional needs and learning needs.
Assessment – ensuring that assessment takes place, on a regular basis, to understand barriers to learning and how they might be overcome. In July all students in school are tested for their reading age and spelling age. This data also creates the support groups for September (reading, handwriting).
SENCo uses relevant assessment tools to identify specific difficulties.
Information from outside agencies used to develop strategies for supporting individuals or small groups.
Communication – making sure that all relevant staff and outside agencies know about the child’s needs and how best to support them. Individual Provision Maps (IPMs) record strengths and difficulties, literacy data, strategies to support in the classroom for students at S and P.
Support Document provides information for those at A.
Identifying priorities and setting targets for learning or behaviour involving students. Student target setting with targets set with student, parent and teacher.
Identifying strategies in the classroom and elsewhere to help the child achieve targets. IPMs and Support Documents provide staff with strategies.
Learning mentors and pastoral team write IMPs for students struggling to manage behaviour.
Tracking, monitoring and reviewing progress. Data is analysed after each assessment point and students not making progress are identified.
Intervention groups have their data analysed and further intervention identified.
Encouraging parents and carers – agreeing priorities and targets with them, making sure they know what is being done to support their child and how they can be involved in that support. All interventions have parental consent.
Student target setting involves parents in setting targets.
ECM meetings identify students causing concern, lead adult ensures parents are informed.
Coordinating the actions to be taken by the school and outside agencies and evaluating their impact. Internal provision and external agency support recorded on the IPM.
Reviews of interventions have next planner intervention identified.
Records are kept of SEN/D students attending after-school clubs.
Informing decisions about the allocation of resources. Analysis of data identifies progress and/or further provision.
Supporting transition – making sure that information about the child’s needs is passed on. LM visit primary schools to gather information about Year 6 students.
SENCo visits TASS to gather information on students who have received their support.
All information is held on staff shares and the file path is on display to facilitate staff access.
IPMs are passed to parents to take to college interviews to demonstrate level of support.






Bracknell Forest's Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS) 

Bracknell Forest’s Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS).  As you may be aware, we provide free, impartial and confidential information, advice and support about special educational needs provision to children, young people and their parents and carers.

The Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS) provides free, confidential and impartial advice and information to support parents/carers and children and young people who have, or may have, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in Bracknell Forest. You can contact this service by email or by telephone (01344 354011).  They also have a dedicated website where you can find a range of information, fact sheets and videos relating to SEN

If you have any questions about the service please do not hesitate to contact us.