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SPARX Science

Sparx Science creates tailored practice homework for each student, each week, driven by their scheme of work. The practice is both challenging (to ensure students need to think) and, crucially, achievable (so that students can be successful). Students actively engage with support that addresses misconceptions and gaps in learning. 

Students are set tasks based on topics learnt in lesson; this may be content that was covered in previous years to ensure they are recapping other topics. Sparx will then personalise each student’s homework, making sure it is suitable for their ability, but includes stretch and challenge questions. Students should work independently and the activities completed will be accessible for them.

Sparx homework is not marked as complete until all of the questions have been answered correctly at 100%. There is assistance provided with each question if students can’t answer it, reading the information provided should allow them to answer the question. If students are still struggling with a question they should come to support sessions or speak to their class teacher.

Homework will be set every Friday at 4pm and will be due by the following Thursday.

Should any student not complete their homework on time, they will be required to attend a Sparx detention on a Friday, where they will complete the outstanding work under supervision.

To help students succeed we also offer Sparx support sessions every week in S09 on a Thursday lunchtime. Here they will be able to get help from a teacher and ask any questions they may have.

Teacher in charge:

Miss S Anderson, Sparks Science Lead