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Physical Education

Head of Department: Mrs N Lazarczuk

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Curriculum Intent

The PE department at Brakenhale School seeks to provide its students with a coherent, relevant and engaging curriculum offer which allows them to actively learn the:

  • Physical understanding and competency of the skills and attributes needed to be active in their lessons and in life,
  • Social ability to integrate and work with a variety of people in being socially acceptable and responsible young people,
  • Mindful thinking to be in control of their own thoughts, feelings and spoken word and to accept the same of others in order to continually improve in what they and others do,
  • Skills of effective peer leadership by working with and leading others within lessons,
  • Academic content of the subject through further examination study.

Key Stage 3

We offer a full national curriculum in core PE that balances breadth and depth in order to engage and enlighten our students in all things PE.

Activities used to teach the Key Stage 3 curriculum include rugby, netball, football, handball, table tennis, badminton, cricket, tennis, athletics, rounders, hockey, tag rugby, fitness, multi skills and trampolining.

Using these various activities students are taught various types and levels of physical skills, ways in which they use the skills in varying situations and contexts, the ability to take control and lead themselves and others, the ability to analyse their own and others work and be able to be creative and thoughtful in what they do and how they do it.

All students receive 3 hours of core PE a fortnight at key stage 3, apart from in Year 9 where students can choose to take part in 2 hours of dance.

Key Stage 4

Our core PE provision at Key Stage 4 focuses on the ‘well-being’ of our students, given that physical activity is paramount to students’ health and well-being and also very relevant to balance their workload of academic studies and pressure.

Lessons give an opportunity for students to be physically active to a level they wish to participate at, building on the skills taught and nurtured at Key Stage 3.

Students are given roles to lead and construct their own lessons, under the direct supervision of the PE staff who facilitate them to do this. This establishes and grows strong and independent young people who can use these experiences and skills to further forge a love, passion and commitment to physical activity and sport in the future.

All students receive 3 hours of core PE a fortnight at Key Stage 4.

Depending on prior attainment and course suitability students can choose to study our Cambridge National in Sport Science, on top of their core PE hours.

The CNAT course is vocationally based and comprises 1 exam plus 2 coursework units. The exam and coursework units studied are varied and relevant to the study of PE and its various topics. These include; the bodies response to exercise and technology, applying the principles of training, fitness and how skill affects performance and reading the risk of injuries and dealing with common medical conditions.

Key Stage 5

We offer examination PE at Key Stage 5 which enables students to progress onto the world of work, university or apprenticeships. Depending on prior attainment students can choose to study CTEC (Cambridge Technicals) L3 (OCR).

The CTEC is more vocationally based and comprises 2 exams plus 3 coursework units. Again the exam and coursework units studied are varied and relevant to the study of PE and its various topics. These include; body systems and the effects of physical activity; sports coaching and activity leadership; sports development and organisation; organising sports events and sports injuries and rehabilitation.

The Sports Leaders level 3 course is run as a ‘bolt on’ course that students can select in their additional option block as part of the Post 16 extra-curricular offer. It provides students, regardless if they are studying examination PE with us, the chance to develop their leadership skills and gain a qualification which includes developing vital life skills and real life leadership opportunities with local community providers.

We also offer students the chance to remain physically active. At this stage in their educational journey there is no more important time to balance the books with the brawn. So allowing students the chance to use our PE facilities to remain active and relieve stress is key to a provision which takes genuine care of its students and their health and well-being. Students in the Sixth Form can make use of the PE facilities during period 5 enrichment on a Wednesday afternoon. There are also opportunities to take part in various sports leagues to which we enter teams and clubs after school as well.

Our senior students can also use and volunteer their time in our department as part of the Sixth Form volunteer programme, supporting staff and students in the delivery and learning of PE lessons for lower school students.



Assessment in PE

Students are assessed under 4 assessment strands known as a ‘ME in PE’.