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PSHE Lead: Mrs H Ioannidis

Curriculum Intent: Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)

The Government’s review of PSHE states that today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive opportunities, but also challenges and risks.

At Brakenhale we believe PSHE education enables students to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. This ranges from making informed decisions about healthy relationships to managing their money. Our intent is to provide our students with a broad and balanced curriculum that promotes an understanding of themselves and others, to manage their wellbeing, to ensure they can build and sustain healthy relationships, and to understand how they will change and develop. The personal development of students is a fundamental part of the academic and pastoral work of the school. As such we want to develop students personally, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally and ensure that they are treated as individuals and respect and uphold the values of British society. We will enable them the build on their prior knowledge and learn new abilities and skills, allowing them to develop deep learning practices.

Big Ideas Description
Identity and
Understanding identity and difference is integral to students positively and successfully navigating their future. Knowing and accepting themselves is key to knowing and understanding others. Students will learn the benefits and value of different beliefs, cultures, and groups. They will also develop assertiveness skills and an understanding of the law that can help them stay true to their values and challenge inequalities they, or others, may experience.
Wellbeing Wellbeing has many dimensions, students need to understand each of these to live a happy and healthy life, whether that is physically, socially, emotional, mentally or economically. Understanding the importance of being ‘healthy’ in these areas is about making positive and well-informed choices. In order to do this students will learn about understanding and assessing risk.
My Relationships The term relationship is far reaching and multifaceted. Our curriculum develops students’ understanding of relationships, the law and sexual activity; embracing moral, spiritual, and cultural values. It not only teaches students how to build and sustain healthy and intimate relationships, but to understand when relationships may have a negative impact on themselves or others.
Developing Me Students will gain knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of growth and development. They will understand about the physical and biological aspects of puberty, and growing up, the human life cycle and how a baby is conceived and born; having knowledge of the appropriate factual information. Our curriculum will also ensure understanding of feelings associated with development and change for themselves and others.

PSHE lessons with the form tutor are a frequent and regular opportunity to address the key concepts in a sensitive and inclusive way and our PSHE education permeates everything we do in school. Additionally they prepare students for the next phase of their education, employment and life in modern Britain.

PSHE education helps students to:

  • Value everyone as a unique human being.
  • Understand and respect different faiths and cultures.
  • Develop a sense of belonging and community (local, regional, national and global).
  • Learn about the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect.
  • Know the difference between right and wrong, and empower them to make good judgements.
  • Feel happiness, pride, forgiveness and responsibility.
  • Develop curiosity, creativity and resilience.

Our PSHE provision incorporates both PSHE, Citizenship and Careers/Character Education and includes subjects such as:

  • Alcohol, smoking and drugs
  • Personal health
  • Bullying – including sexual harassment
  • Citizenship, democracy and human rights
  • Careers and the world of work
  • Personal finance
  • Family and relationships
  • Identity – Including
  • Sex Education – This is taught as part of our Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) provision by Bracknell Forest Council.

Aside from Sex Education, these sessions will be delivered by form tutors as part of our pastoral tutor programme and will be relevant to the age, understanding, cultural background and circumstances of the students. They will also reflect their needs in terms of language, learning styles and abilities. There may also be opportunities for students to engage with outside groups and speakers at points throughout the PSHE curriculum to support and engage them.

For more information on the content of these sessions please contact Mrs Gemma Powell (Assistant Headteacher) or Ms Helena Ioannidis (PSHE Lead).